I had a lovely time last night; I stopped with Flaxen (my best friend…she’s a golden retriever and lives with Ness’s Dad). Before I knew what was happening this morning though I was bundled in to the car and I arrived here. Ness was jumping about saying she needed the toilet and that it was a long walk in. Well I needed a good sniff, guess what, I got what I wanted first. When we got into the show we met Brenda. Good news for Ness, because she put me in my benching much quicker because we found out where we were going. I’m guessing she got to the toilet on time. When Ness got back I was put on a grooming table and then I had a bandage put round my middle. I like the bandage, but we got lots of strange looks. The bandage makes me feel calm and happy and as though I’m being cuddled. Ness took me round the show, I’m still a bit unsure about plastic bags, but after barking at them a bit Ness encouraged me to have a closer look. They don’t really do anything, I think they might be OK. Ness disappeared for a bit, something about having to help Dawn. She came back very excited as did Dawn. Ness had to go in the ring with Henry and he won the ticket! He is a good looking boy though, so it didn’t surprise me. After some time it was my turn in the ring. I had a great time, we were next to the Bedlington terriers, they look like funny sheep, I thought I’d tell them that and had a good bark at them…the only problem was that I was supposed to be walking at the time…whoops; oh well I told them!
Windsor – 4th July 2009
Wow, look at the view! Windsor Castle, fantastic. Ness put my T touch body wrap on and we were ready to go. I wasn’t happy about going through the tents to get to the benches but I made it. It’s noisy and smells funny. Ness had to explain to everyone what the bandage was about, and how that and massage should help me feel more confident. As the day went on it got hotter and hotter. At first the classes were out in the sun but by the time it got to my go we had moved into the shade of the tent. The judge said that I had very strong legs, I wasn’t sure about her feeling my legs, but she was very nice and reassured me that it was going to be fine, and it was. Then it was time for skipping about for liver cake and then it was all over. Back to the car and lovely air con and the drive home to Tony and sticks and mud and messing around.
Southern Cairn Terrier Club – 27th June 2009
Well Ness had problems finding the venue. She asked some people at a bus stop and they said they didn’t know where it was, they were about 200 meters away from the place! Fortunately Ness spotted a big Royal Canin banner and then managed to work out how to get into the car park. For me it was a hot day, but I had fun. Me and Ness played outside with a stick and then she gave me liver cake, which Rosemary gave us. I really like liver cake (never had it before) and so I skipped about to try and get it. This apparently looked good and impressed the judge enough for me to be placed above other dogs.
Southern Counties- 6th June 2009
Oh my goodness, what an earth did she think she was doing bringing us here! I’m not kidding, it’s raining and windy, there are great big white things (someone said tents) blowing about and there are lots of other things (I think there’re called flags) blowing as well. Not to mention the black bin bags. We are all inside this big tent, the noise is huge and there is grass everywhere. This is not the type of show I’m used to. Ness puts me in my crate, I don’t plan on coming out. Well I didn’t get my own way. I did get lots of cuddles though and then I had to go in the ring. The grass smelt odd and the tent sides kept blowing. I’ve been caught on camera now…whoops, I was trying to escape…

Look at the background, there's Ness, with me trying to leg it out of the ring!
Banbury and District Canine Association – 4th May 2009
Well we arrived after having a lovely weekend away in the Peak District with friends from the badminton club. I’d had a great time and was tired. I don’t know what happened though because time seemed to fly and we were in the ring before I knew it. There were seven entries in our class, so we weren’t expecting to get placed…but we did! We got first! Then before we knew it we were awarded Best of Breed. We didn’t know what to do with ourselves. Ness took me home for a bit and then we came back for Best in Show, there was no group. It took ages and there were lots of dogs. As we lined up I tried to get back in my crate, well, I wanted the rest. I can’t believe how quiet it was at the end, Ness hardly dared speak, but I could just about hear her. Anyway we did our stuff and it was good practice for us.
National Terrier – 4th April 2009
This, is so I’m told one of the most important shows that there is…if you are a terrier. To get me excited for the ring Tony decided to pretend he was playing with a stick, I started barking and then Ness started to get excited at Tony. Did she feel left out? Ring time, there were lots of us. The judge went over us and we all lined up. Ness was having a few problems, the dog next to us wanted to play.
When we had done, we left the ring and then went straight back in again…what’s that all about? Actually I don’t care, I got to stand in the corner, but I hadn’t been naughty, I couldn’t have been, because I was being fed my favorite sausages. After this I had a little walk and then had to stand in front of the judges table while she made some notes on me. The dog next to me had it’s photo taken, but they seemed to miss me out. Oh well, fame may come later.

Whoops, there's the winner, but you missed me out!
Crufts 2009 – Terrier day, part seven…shops and home

Shop, shop, shop...Can I have a toy and some treats please?
So we’re done in the ring, time to hit the shops and then go home. Well we tried to. We got stopped, the exit pass had disappeared in one of the bags and we tried to go out the wrong exit. At least they have good security here, I’d hate to be stolen.
Oh and now, apparently we have to go via Ness’s school, she’s got to go back for sixth form open evening. Good luck to her!
Well I’ve had a very strange day, lots of excitement, lots of nerves and lots of visitors. Overall I think I’ve enjoyed myself, yep, I think I’ll come here again.

It's been a long day, even the flash is tired
Crufts 2009 – Terrier day, part six…here we go again!
Well we didn’t get placed, but then we weren’t expecting too. At least I know what all the fuss was about. I was very naughty on the table, the judge wanted to see my teeth and I was not in the mood, my strategy was to refuse to stand properly, not that it worked very well.
So I’m all relaxed, but then for no apparent reason I’m being groomed again. Will I have any hair left?

Can I just chill here?
Oh, I see it’s the good citizen class. Well in that case, seeing that we worked so hard for our award, I’ll go again!

Am I meant to be standing? I thought I'd skip
Well this is very exciting Ness has finally relaxed and I feel like playing. Wow we got two rosettes.




So the sign says relax, I am, see my tail's wagging
Crufts 2009 – Terrier day, part five…show time
Ring time! Well Ness tries to get me excited and wants to play with me, I’m wondering what’s going on and why my team of humans is getting in such a frenzy. Ness gives up on playing with me, Tony has a go, I’m having none of it. There is a big white bull terrier in the way, I need more space. Sue comes over and I look for Flaxen, but she’s not here. Where’s Flaxen? Sue means Flaxen and Flaxen means play. Sue makes a big fuss of me, apparently we are just about to go in the ring and she has rubbed the top of my head and messed my hair up. I liked it, but Ness thinks it’s a disaster. Sue laughs, but I don’t think it was because she thought it was funny, she’s nervous too. I wonder if that’s because Flaxen isn’t with her.
Well we’re in the ring and here are the pictures…

We ended up talking to these ladies because I tried to steal sandwiches out of their bag!

What more brushing!
Crufts 2009 – Terrier day, part four…action stations
Well it’s all action stations now, Tony drags me off to the toilet.

toilet time!
Well, when we get back, Ness is in a real panic. My feet have mud on them and she is concerned we won’t have enough time to get me ready. She thought Tony would only be a minute, not nearly half an hour. Ness’s Mum is there too, making encouraging comments, but she’s excited too. What’s happening? I’m getting a bit worried, but I try not to show it.

Will we be ready in time?